Tag: Data Analysis

Google Data Studio | What is Data Studio and Importance

Are you a Blogger, Blogging Agency, YouTuber, Online Gamer, Email Marketer, Digital Marketer, Ads Campaign agency or individual, Cold Caller or any kind of Content Creator and you believe in the power of data then this post is definitely for you? If you are still unaware of the power of data and want to have a look into it, well you are also welcomed. We are Buildpholio.com, and we believe in making life easier for everyone with a different approach (also our Tag line). This post will cover why Google Data Studio is a tool that everyone should focus upon…

Data Analysis: Overview, Roles and Responsibilities

Data Analysis Overview and the whole process of storytelling Before starting the storytelling, we need to learn the small factors about the Data Analysis. These factors might be small but very crucial when it comes to storytelling. One should know about these factors because they affect the performance and learning of the person both directly and indirectly. These factors are Types of Analytics, Different roles in Data and their expertise, Role of Data Analyst. We will cover these topics in this tutorial as this will further sharpen your skills and help you understand thing better. According to Microsoft, “Data Analysis…