How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything?

How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything?

Making money is a necessity. Why do you need to make money is a very stupid question because everyone knows the answer? You can’t buy anything without money, cannot afford your education, fulfill your necessities, and cannot pursue your dreams, no matter big or small. This post on how to make money online without paying anything is going to help you in teaching some ways with which you can make money for yourself.

How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything?

How to make money online without paying anything is a very common question in youth these days. You can make money by making videos, making a blog or vlog, online gaming, freelancing, selling photos, affiliate marketing and many more ways. Most of these ways are beginner-friendly and help you turn this side hustle into a full time gig.

There are various ways by which you can make money, but we are talking about the ways to make money without investment. When we say investment, we mean in terms of money, because you will always need to invest something. It can be money, time, expertise, and many others. We have discussed that in detail in the post “how to make money online for beginners“.

But if you are not investing any money, then you have to invest something else, and most of the time it is either time, talent, or expertise. The rule is simple, “if you are null on one, go double on the other”. This simply means that if you are not willing to invest money, then double your investment on time, expertise or talent.

How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything?

We are going to discuss various ways by which you can earn money. We will make sure this list contains only those methods which are effective, ethical, and not a scam.


I think there is no surprise for anyone that this one will be first on our list. Making videos for your YouTube channel was profitable and will remain profitable for a long period of time. As the new generation is more interested in technology, this trend will only increase.

Many people believe that YouTube is saturated because of so much content already on it. Well, I heard this same statement in the year 2017, then in 2018, then in 2019, again in 2020, again in 2021, and now in 2022. This statement will remain just like this even after five years.

But the question we need to ask is “Do new creators succeeded on YouTube in these years?” The answer is yes. There is always room for new energetic and hardworking people. You can still start a new channel on YouTube and still succeed.

To earn money from YouTube you do not need some additional resources like YouTube and Google AdSense, both are products of Google and you can directly monetize your YouTube channel with Google AdSense. Apart from AdSense, when your channel will have more reach. You might get the chance to collaborate with brands in your niche or get sponsorship for paid promotions. Sponsorships and collaboration can help you make a good sum of money.

We will cover ways to make money from YouTube in another post. Because it is a detailed subject in itself.

TikTok/ Instagram Reels

TikTok is one of the most addictive apps in the United States of America. You might have come across various TikTok and Instagram influencers that are making and uploading videos on these apps. Now, beginners might think that it is similar to YouTube, but TikTok videos are a mostly short form of content and YouTube videos are mostly long-form of content.

Now, TikTok is pushing towards 10-minute videos as well. But this platform is mostly used to gain followers for your account. When you will reach up to a mark of 10,000 followers. You can earn money by contacting different brands for sponsorships and affiliate programs.

This one is considered an easy kind of idea because all you need is a camera and a spot for shooting videos. Everything else is a bonus. Like if you have amazing video editing skills then this will act in your favor and will help you to gain followers very fast.


Blogging is another source to make money without investment. There are a lot of platforms for blogging, both paid and free. If you want to start for free, then you can start using platforms like Blogger, Medium, WordPress, Weebly and others. However, you can also start to write on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Tumbler and other similar platforms.

Blogging is not just about writing. You must have the knowledge of SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and should be aware of the various SEO tools as well. You can start by picking a niche of your choice in which you are most comfortable in writing, then choosing a platform to write. You have to learn at least basic functionalities of that platform, and you can start posting content on that platform.

If you have a basic understanding of the platform and basic knowledge of SEO, then you can learn about the advance functionalities and concepts along with the time.

Monetization in blogging is very easy and way better than YouTube and TikTok. You can opt from various options available in the market. Example Google AdSense, Ezoic, Mediavine, apart from regular ads you can also use affiliate to earn a good sum of money. Sponsorship and lead generation are other ways to generate an income from blogging.

Most of the bloggers opt for more than one platform to produce content and more than one way of monetization as well. Most common ones are blogging plus YouTube and blogging plus LinkedIn, and most common monetization method is ads plus affiliate.

We will cover about blogging in detail in other post.

Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest is a major platform in countries like the USA, UK and India. People like Pinterest more than any other platform because of its uniqueness in terms of delivering content. Pinterest is made to solve problems, share your expertise and similar kind of stuff, rather than just chatting and spamming links on this platform.

Pinterest in mostly photos and videos based platform, so it is important that you already have a skill to edit photos or to make videos. With posting content on Pinterest, you will start getting followers and Pinterest followers will open a way for traffic to a website, leads, Sponsorships and much more with which you can earn a lot of money.

App tester, Website Tester

This job is also getting a lot of pace, because app testing o website testing is something that every app owner and website owner wants to go through, and the number of apps and website are multiplying with time. This is a never ending market. You can apply for such jobs on freelance platforms as well as websites like BetaTesting,, TryMYUI.

Such website can help you earn a good sum of money. But the problem with this job is that it can be turned into a full time work like blogging, marketing or YouTube.

Game Tester

Game tester is another lucrative job and for most of the gamers it is just natural. You do not have to learn anything new to start with this job. You are a gamer already and all you need is a device on which you can test the games for the clients. The level of difficulty in this job is also less than the app tester, and you won’t feel bored for this job.

Many major game making companies hire for this job, and other platforms are also providing game testing as a job. Platforms like, Testerwork are good to find suitable work.

Selling Courses

Due to recent pandemic, lots of activities shifted to online and education or learning was one major industry which went completely online. This gave the chance to people to earn some extra money. Online courses are a really profitable income source and a positive side of selling courses is that you have to work hard once for a course, and you can sell it for years.

Selling designing course to make money
Selling designing course to make money

It is a good form of passive income, and you can make a lot of money from it. But there is a barrier of entry in this field and that is you must have the knowledge of a subject. Platforms like Udemy and Coursera gain a lot of audiences during pandemic.

If you already have knowledge of a skill, then you can easily make and course and upload it on these platforms and earn good money. Topics that are really popular on these platforms are Stock Market Trading and Investing, Microsoft Excel, Photo Editing, Video Editing, Programming, Drawing, Hacking and many more.

Selling Photos

This is one hybrid kind of job, and you must own a camera for this one to get better results. But if you do not have a camera, then a good mobile camera will also work. Selling photos is not a new thing, and it is in use from a long time. It is so broad that it has its own sub-category, just like blogging.

Selling photos to make money
Selling photos to make money

Most of the photos that you see in NEWS, videos, wallpapers are not actually clicked by someone of that platform. Like, It is not necessary that the pictures that you might see about water shortage in Nigeria shown on BBC news channel are actually shot by BBC cameraman. Think about it, BBC will not send a cameraman all the way to Africa just to shot five pictures. Those pictures can be shot by anyone who is already in Africa. The BBC can buy those pictures, along with the right to use those pictures, and now can use those pictures on their channel as well as to resell them to another news channel.

Selling photos is a very profitable business. There are many categories in this, and you can know about it in detail in our another post.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a good source of earning money online without investment. But affiliate marketing cannot be done alone. You need to have a platform or a setup prior to affiliate marketing, then only your affiliate marketing will be profitable. But the beauty of affiliate marketing is that it can blend with any of the above-mentioned setups and can help you to make money from them.

One important thing that you need to know about affiliate marketing is that affiliate marketing cannot be a starting stone for anything. This means that if you join several affiliate programs, and you think that money will come, then it is not going to work because first thing that you need is audience. This audience can be from your blog, YouTube, TikTok or any other platform.

So before affiliate, you need an audience who trust you already. You can join major affiliate programs like Amazon affiliate or can join brand affiliate programs from their websites. It depends on you.


Freelancing and freelance platforms are running from a period of time, but after pandemic companies started to find freelancer who can do jobs for them and this increased the demand of freelancer. If you already have an experience in any kind of work like Data Entry, Excel, Programming, Graphic Design, Analytics, Content Writing and other you can join any freelancing platform and earn good money.

how to make money online without paying anything freelancing
Programming as Freelancing

Freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer are very common and both people and companies use them on a day-to-day basis. But there is a lot of competition on these platforms. So, first thing you need is a good portfolio of projects in a skill for which you are thinking to start your career as a freelancer. These platforms do not charge any fees for joining and most of the work on these platform is authentic and good paying.

We will discuss freelancing in detail in another post because it is a broad topic.


Podcasts are another good way to make money online without paying anything. You can start a podcast with a computer, mic and free recording software. If you do not have a software even then you can use your mobile and record on that. For monetizing a podcast, you need to have commercial sponsorship or affiliate link in your bio which will help your listener to buy a useful product, and you earn a commission from that product.

Earning money through Podcast
Earning money through Podcast

Online Surveys

We are mentioning online surveys here, but my personal belief is that online surveys are not that profitable, and also they lack the charm of full time work. They are controlled by your survey provider, while other things like YouTube, Podcast, and TikTok are under your control. The delivery of content or getting a new gig is controlled by the provider in this segment, and hence it is not rated as a very attractive job according to me. However, if you are a student or lack any kind of skill, like public speaking, freelancing worthy skills, and other than you can start from here.

Data has a value and your opinion can be a useful data for other persons and this data can help you earn some good money.

Twitch Streaming

We are mentioning Twitch because it is the most famous platform for online streaming. This is free for those who already own a laptop or a computer and a camera to shoot, but if you do not have these things, then it will cost you a lot of money to stream on Twitch. Methods of earning on Twitch are through sponsorships, donations, and Twitch bits which is also a form of donation.

This one is low in our list because generally twitch stream needs lots of things like a Good Computer, Mic, Camera. But if you lack such things then you have to arrange these things which require money. If you already have those things then you are good to go and if it is a very profitable segment. People on Twitch are growing everyday, and you might get a chunk of this growth if you also start your career on twitch

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